Harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline your operations, optimize contract management and achieve new levels of efficiency and success.


Get started with Oro


Tomorro uses OpenAI’s LLM to generate content. We currently offer 3 features:

📋 Summary Synthesize a signed contract in a few bullet points. This feature will help your teams to find out about the content of a document in one click. It only works on signed contract for now.

🔍 Data Extraction It will be your best ally when it comes to storing external contracts on the platform or importing a legacy. We extract the standard field so you can archive your documents effortlessly. It only works on signed contract for now.

✏️ Reformulate Rephrase sentences and paragraphs to improve their clarity, coherence, and overall readability. To use Reformulate, simply click on “Ask AI to” and choose the tone you wish to reformulate in the dropdown menu. The tool will analyze your text and suggest alternative phrasings and sentence structures that you can use to enhance your writing.

<aside> 👀 Please note that we have more exciting improvements and features planned for the future, so stay tuned!



<aside> ℹ️ Oro is continually evolving. It may produce incorrect information, biased information, or may not know about recent events from the last 6-12 months, resulting in inaccurate/outdated information. Tomorro makes no warranty to the accuracy or suitability for your purposes of any information. Always check and confirm your results when using Tomorro AI, AI can make mistakes.



<aside> ℹ️ Tomorro AI uses OpenAI Service built on technology provided by other third parties. The data submitted through Tomorro AI is processed on services that reside in the US and, is not used for any other purposes, such as model training AI. Any data sent through OpenAI’s API will be retained for abuse and misuse monitoring purposes for a maximum of 30 days, after which it will be deleted (unless otherwise required by law).


<aside> ⚠️ We would like to draw your attention to the fact that you are solely responsible for the use you make of this functionality.


Frequently asked questions

What is our data retention policy with OpenAI?

Any data sent through OpenAI’s API will be retained for abuse and misuse monitoring purposes for a maximum of 30 days, after which it will be deleted (unless otherwise required by law).