Hi! This is a template to create your own workflow by understanding what tasks you have to complete for each stage. Please copy this page (by clicking duplicate) and add in your own tasks to create your workflow!

Step 1: What? When and Who?

To manage a project and avoid scope creep, we need to know what needs to happen when. Most design projects follow a simple structure - even if the tasks are different. The first thing you want to do is write down all the tasks you need to complete for each stage. You then want to assign each task to a person and decide how much time is needed to complete the task. Use the template below to add in your tasks - feel free to change the stages to fit your own business.

Tip: Add the time needed as a new property - you can see an example if you click the example card below.

1. Create your workflow

2. Set up your project management system

The next step is to decide what you and your team need to see and what you want to share with your client. This way you can create a private company board for tasks like sketching ideas and a client facing board for things like uploading the concepts or sharing feedback links. Don't forget to add in tasks your client needs to complete as well.

Go back up to the tasks you added to your workflow. For each one, add a new property that says "internal" or "client facing". This way you can easily set up a filter for each and get a clear overview of what should go in each template. Once this is ready, pick a project management tool that you think will fit your way of working - in our course we mentioned Notion (where you are now), Trello and Toggl Plan as a home base and Kayla to collect files.

Here is an example of the first stages in a typical client facing template:


Set up your templates and there you go!

You now have a clear project management system that you can use for any project.