This five step guide will walk you through the essentials of the frontflip platform.

Please read thoroughly as you must complete every step before selling.

Step 1: Uploading Existing Consigners

New Consigners

If you don't have any consigners yet, simply skip this step. Later on you can view our guide on adding new consigners here:

How to Signup [Consigner]

Existing Consigners

If you are moving from another system, we want to make the process as quick as possible. You can upload your existing consigners all at once using our bulk upload CSV feature.

Importing Your Data Into frontflip

{Insert Video}

Importing your consigner data is done using our CSV spreadsheet template.

  1. Download our CSV upload template here:

  2. Add consigners to the template without changing the columns.

Important Considerations

File Type: A CSV can be a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet or a Google Sheet saved on your computer. However you must "save as" the CSV file type before importing.

Temporary Passwords: Existing consigners need a way to access their account. You can either have them reset their password immediately OR set a password for their account using this field. Consigners should be instructed to reset their passwords ASAP in either scenario.

Step 2: Define Product Templates

What is a product template?

Every product has characteristics such as size, color, or even condition.