


The Content

Where: Montreal, Canada

When: August 22-25, 2022

Application Deadline (apply if interested, and we can get information on how many are expected) August 1st, 2022.

It’s a wrap!

Thank you to all the student/postdocs who helped prepare and run the school (Simon, Steven, Florian, Anerie, Elham and Evelin), and an additional thank you to all the Mila staff who made this event a success (Bruno, Ganda, and Karl).

Also, we wanted to celebrate the contribution from our amazing partners Nvidia,, Mila, and IVADO.

This school would not have been possible without the presence of other professors and students. Your support, dedication, and hard work made all the difference.

It’s a wrap! Thank you to all the students who participated and made this years edition a success.

The Winners

We wanted to give a shout-out to the winners of the fierce team #3 who won our first edition of the Robotics Summer School. Congrats to Aneri Muni, Mathilde Hochedel, SimonDufort-Labbé, and Ken Ming Lee who tackled this 4 days experience with fun and dedication!




Application Form (Closed)


Robotics is a rapidly growing field with interest from around the world. This summer school offers tutorials and lectures on state-of-the-art machine learning methods for training the next generation of learning robots. This summer school is an extension supported by the many robotics groups around Montreal.

The tutorials and interaction with real robot hardware will take place at Mila, the Quebec AI Institute, the largest academic organization for deep learning researchers worldwide. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about current deep reinforcement learning methods, how to apply them to real hardware, sim2real transfer techniques, and experience with legged robotics.