What “Orgs” are in development?

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High-level requirements for an Org:

  1. [Mandate]: What does the org do. (Purpose/Vision/Mission)
  2. [Teams/Contributors]: Who is going to fulfill the mandate.
  3. [Structure & Governance]: How we’re going to do it. (We’re going to organize in x way, our org will support z actions.)
  4. [Budget]: How much we need to fill the mandate.

Core Team Health

Below is to check in with how Core Teams are developing amidst the restructure:

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Mandate = Is the purpose (includes the need for this to exist), and what they are responsible for clear to everyone?

Goals/Strategy/Execution = Do they have a clear strategy for what their work looks like in (minimum) next 3 months?

Leadership = Do they have a clear structure for who is responsible for what?

Budget = Do they have a breakdown of funding needed for their team? Is it accurate? At what cadence does their accuracy break?

Hiring Process* = Do they know who and how they will hire? Can they fill the roles?

1-5, 5 being strong/fulfilled


Mandate: 4

Goals, Strategy/Execution: 5

Leadership: 5

Budget: 5

Hiring process: 4


Mandate: 5

Goals, Strategy/Execution: 4

Leadership: 4

Budget: 5

Hiring process: 3


Mandate: 4

Goals, Strategy/Execution: 4

Leadership: 2

Budget: 5

Hiring process: 4