How to Submit Prompt for Prompt Hackathon

How to Submit Prompts

  1. Go to FlowGPT Bounty Page(, click on the bounty you’d like to hunt


  1. On bounty detail page, click on “Enter Now” to start the submission process. You will be taken to “Create” New Prompt page.


  1. On the “Create” New Prompt page, enter the prompt you want to create in the dialog box. Take a look at the following example.


Note: We can directly interact with ChatGPT on the ”Create page in FlowGPT

For example, I want to submit a Prompt about "Job description generator".

My input is, “Our startup is called flowGPT. FlowGPT has a community platform for sharing prompts and use cases. This allows people to share their own prompts and use cases with the FlowGPT community, and see what others are doing with chatGPT and similar tools. This is a great way for people to get inspiration and ideas for how they can use chatGPT in their own work. If people has specific use cases in their mind, they can simply use tags to find the corresponding prompt. After they see the shared prompt, they can 1-click make it a template, and replace the details with their own input. FlowGPT is hiring growth intern to work on SEO improvement and user research, and intern who operate social media account and short videos. Provide the job description of the 2 intern roles”


  1. After creating the Prompt, we fill in "Name of the Prompt" and "Description" and select the "Tags" on the right.


  1. Finally, verify that the topic associated with the bounty is the intended one. In case it is not, access the dropdown menu and pick the correct one. Once confirmed, click on 'Submit'.
