🧰 Mission

To provide a sustainable and authentic offering program that is equitable and inclusive, supporting the needs of team Float to live their best work life in a way that’s meaningful to them.

🔮 Vision

Our vision is to be a leader in remote team engagement; to have an offering program that attracts and retains the best SaaS talent to do their best work with us.

🛞 Goals and Priorities

Transparent, equitable, and competitive pay

Our pay will support our culture of trust by being transparent, fair, and equitable. We’ll continue to strive for our ‘same job, same pay’ philosophy and find opportunities to keep our pay competitive in market.

Personal Health and Development

We equip managers with the tools they need to support the individual growth of each team member. We do this through training and development related to their professional skills and the provision of services to support the betterment of our team's life, health, and future.

Sustainable, respectable, transparent, and innovative business operations

Ethical and sustainable approaches to our operations mean we work with like-minded vendors and seek opportunities to contribute to our external and internal environment in a positive way. We focus on monitoring and refining our evergreen business activities to grow sustainably with a minimal negative impact on others. The operations scope extends beyond the internal Float environment and reaches external stakeholders such as the environment, the remote community, and the talent market.

Experiences that exceed expectations

We allocate generous budget, time, and care to team experiences so that they exceed expectations, champion our inclusive culture, and build authentic connections.

Processes that free us

We design perks, benefits, and processes that liberate our team and give them agency over their time. Our policies and processes keep us nimble and focus on enablement, access and freedom.

Attracting, retaining, and growing a diverse, global team

We actively build processes to include and attract a diverse team from across the world. We find opportunities to measure and challenge how well we do that.