This is just archived instructions for the few moments while Flash still works in browsers. Thanks for playing our game over the years, it's been a long journey. Our games are nothing without the people who play them, so thank you for making what we do fulfilling. The full version is planned to be out in February 2021 in Early Access. Check back here for updates then!

Old Instructions

Not loading? Press the "Get Flash Player" button and then, if tells you Flash is blocked, click on the jigsaw icon:

Click Manage and press the toggle next to 'Block ' to turn it on (which disables the block, how confusing):

Now click the "Get Flash Player" button again, click Allow, and it should work!

Miscellaneous Old Text From the itch page

Now that Flash is dying and our game is almost released, lots of the text on the itch page isn't relevant anymore.

I have a lot of nostalgia for these blocks of texts so I'm just leaving them here, to look back on how far this project has come!

Preorder Updates

January 2020: Preorder closed, thank you! (We are no longer offering being in the credits as a preorder bonus, but if you really want the preorder still, the password is in the Rhythm Doctor Discord server) 1st October 2018: Preorder released! 1st April 2018: Level Editor Alpha r12a released! 30th March 2017: We've just got greenlit! All thanks to you, thank you for the support and well done.

Ancient text on timing

 Many, many hours have been spent making the engine accurate enough to
support a margin of error of a few hundredths of a second. After extensive
testing we found a calibration that worked for all browsers, except Chrome. 
(If you are hitting bang on beat it will still be within the 'perfect' margin on
Chrome, it will just be less forgiving to late timings and more forgiving to hitting

The Chrome problem is not specific to this game, but affects
all games. It's just this game requires a degree of accuracy so high that the
tiny lag caused by Chrome's inbuilt Flash Player is enough to 
throw the timing off. YOU CAN MAKE IT WORK IN CHROME by going to chrome://plugins and disabling all plugins with 
'PepperFlash' in the location. This will make it use the normal Flash player like the other browsers, if you have it 
If you get significant delays in hearing sounds, check this thread for a solution. Thanks to @EspyoPT for the tip!
probably used to hitting earlier in all rhythm games. In this game, you must
get over the automatic compensation that you usually do. One easy way
to do this is to hit the spacebar with force, as if you are hitting a drum,
and making sure that sound coincides exactly with the clap
from the game. Try hitting
a surface near your spacebar for the first six beats,
listening to the sound of your hits,
and then SLAMMING your hand onto your spacebar on the seventh! This
advice seemed to work with almost everybody when
we had a booth at GDC. Sorry about
your spacebar
And if after all that you still think it is off, 
tweet me! This is really important to us!

Old Closed Beta Levels

WIP Level #0 - ' Steinway' - linked above
WIP Level #1 - ' One Shift More' - SENT! 27th July 2016
WIP Level #2 - ' Supraventricular Tachycardia' - SENT! 27th August 2016
WIP Level #3 - ' Delay Pedal' - SENT! 27th September 2016
WIP Level #4 - ' Delay Pedal 2' - SENT! 27th October 2016
WIP Level #5 - ' Mannequin Challenge' - SENT! 2nd December 2016
Bonus Level #6 - ' ??' - SENT! 28th January 2017
WIP Level #7 - Super Battleworn Insomniac - SENT! 17th March 2017
[long silent period of building up the rest of the levels]