Everything you need to be ready for the 2020 Stats exam! 🥳🤪

🔗 Link to the cram finale: https://app.fiveable.me/ap-stats/cram-2020/finale/watch/srbTh98fR0bjr21R1AKc (replay will be here as soon as the stream is over.

Tips for While You Watch:

While you watch the cram finale, we know there's a lot of information covered very fast. Instead of taking notes on everything, try these methods:

  1. T-Chart: Create two columns - "things I know" and "things I don't know" and just keep track of terms that come up. For example, if you feel confident about the Confidence Intervals, list that on the left. If we discuss the binomial distribution and you're like 😩, list on the right. Then you'll have a really good to do list afterwards.
  2. Mind Map: Create a mind map of the concepts and note how concepts from different units can intertwine with each other.

Resources shared during the stream

Part 1 with Bob Amar (Slides) 👉🏿 PDF

Part 2 with Jerry Kosoff (Slides) 👉🏿 PDF


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FRQ Format for 2020