🚗💨💨💨 This notion page walks you through Findora Foundation’s grant application process; a fork of this Notion page dedicated to your project will be created to align our work efforts with yours. Please first fill in your information in the Grant Application Page under the {Project X} Grant Workspace section.




Findora is the world’s leading privacy-preserving smart contract platform and arguably the first of its kind. It is a globally trusted Web3 privacy infrastructure that enables smart contracts to preserve individual and institutional privacy. We envision a new financial infrastructure that services everyone with full interconnectivity, native privacy, transparency, and compliance - the internet of the financial world. Findora will unbox a new epoch of finance where users control their own data, identity, and financial assets.

To support this vision, in October 2021, the Findora Foundation announced its $100M Ecosystem Fund, dedicating up to 20% of the total supply of $FRA ($105.6M at the time of writing) as part of a multi-year, community-led commitment to support research and development for zero-knowledge-powered decentralized protocols. Projects must be aligned with Findora’s mission of creating a decentralized global financial network where everyone can build financial applications that value true privacy. Milestone-based grants will be issued along the following three tracks: the Pilot Program, General Developer Grants, and the Findora Ambassador Program.

General Developer Grants

These grants are reserved for projects building with any facet of Findora.

Build the next generation of privacy-focused dApps leveraging Findora’s programmable privacy. Developers will be able to use both the Findora X, the EVM-compatible layer or Findora OG, or original UTXO layer optimized for zero-knowledge proofs.

Findora X, or the Findora Smart Chain, lets developers use familiar Web3 tools like Solidity, MetaMask, Truffle, Remix, and any Ethereum token standard.

The Findora Smart Chain is parallelized with the UTXO ledger into a single multi-chain architecture that ensure both layers share the same consensus and storage layer. The two layers act like a zipper: a single chain made up of two inter-locking ledgers. Any incompatibility between address types are solved through an intra-atomic bridge between the two layers called Prism Transfer.