Q. What is ffuf?

A → FFUF, or “Fuzz Faster you Fool” is an open source web fuzzing tool, intended for discovering elements and content within web applications, or web servers.

Q. What does this mean?

A → Often when you visit a website you will be presented with the content that the owner of the website wants to serve you with, this could be hosted at a page such as index.php.Within security, often the challenges in a website that need to be corrected exist outside of that. For example, the owner of the website may have content hosted at admin.php, that you both want to know about, and test. FFUF is a tool for uncovering those items, for your purusal.

Q. Why ffuf?

A →Since it's release a lot of people have gravitated towards ffuf due to its speed, flexibility, and ability to quickly integrate into outside tooling. ffuf is also consistently maintained

Other Noteworthy points :

FFUF is a command line driven application that runs in the Linux Terminal, or the Windows Command Prompt, meaning that it doesn’t contain an interactive GUI, and is instead powered by inputted command line flags


  1. Install from Source
  1. Kali Linux