The Taiwan Clean Energy Project is an endeavour to track the contribution of zero-carbon energy sources to Taiwan's overall energy generation mix. Data for this project is sourced from a publicly available dataset maintained by the Ministry of Finance - Bureau of Energy.

<aside> 🔗 Website


<aside> ✉️ Contact


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I aim to keep this project as transparent as possible. This Notion document is used to publicly track and manage feature updates, project expenses, and project activities. I hope that sometime in the near future I can also use this document to track local tree planting initiatives undertaken to (somewhat) offset the carbon produced by the website (read more about that here).

💵 Project Costs

This project is self-funded. If you'd like to provide financial support, however small, I would really appreciate it! You can find more information at the bottom of this document.

💸 Expenses

🗺 Roadmap

Planned features, content additions, and other changes for the website.

🥞 Features

🥣 Content

🙌 Support

Any financial support, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated. Funds will go towards:

There are two ways you can send financial support to this project: