Darwinia enthusiasts gather in these online forums to share news, talk about recent developments, debate technical issues, and imagine the future.


Darwinia GitHub - all things Darwinia

DIP GitHub - focused on Darwinia improvement proposals

Darwinia SubSquare - discussion for Darwinia on-chain proposal

DCDAO GitHub - focused on Darwinia community development

Chat Rooms

Darwinia Discord - all things Darwinia

Staking Discord - welcome to all interested in staking on Darwinia

Collator Discord - discussion and help for Darwinia collators

Governance Discord - discussion for Darwinia on-chain proposals

Technical Discord - discussion and help for Darwinia developers

Technical Telegram - discussion and help for Darwinia developers

Darwinia Telegram - all things Darwinia

Twitter & Blog

Twitter - keep up to date with the latest from the Darwinia

Blog - discover the latest news, deep dives, tutorials, and more from the Darwinia

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)