Players will pick a specific AI Profile for each of their 5 Leaders (hero/champion). An AI Profile is essentially a leader bot, with a scripted strategy for success.

From here, the game can be split up into two modes of play:

  1. Standard AI
  2. Custom AI

Standard AI

When playing in Standard AI mode, Players can only choose between a curated selection of AI Profiles.

Based on the position you've assigned your Leader (1-5), you'll have certain styles of play to choose between. At its simplest, style just determines how often that Leader will gank, jungle, take risky farm etc., and might have some basic overrides in-game.

That's it though. AI customization is just meant to be a small part of the game when playing in Standard AI mode. The rest is up to good item purchases and other high-level plays.

Custom AI

Here, players (i.e. programmers) can bring their own bot scripts. Think you can do better than the stock AI? Give it your best shot! Try to make the next Arteezy - Sven or Topson - Earth Spirit.

<aside> ➡️ Screeps has a similar Bring Your Own Bot concept. One of their limitations is that their RTS game is too abstract and unfamiliar for most viewers; you'll only understand the game if you've played it already. Shotcaller is pretty quick to pick up if you've played any sort of MOBA game.


This mode might in turn need to be split up into various levels of complexity, with different sorts of limitations imposed on LOC, APM and such. That would accommodate different tiers of code complexity.

Script-sharing will be built into the game. Any script run on online matchmaking would be made public after 6 months (with attribution of course). By that time the general strategy of any bot would have been reverse-engineered already anyway. And we'd want to be continuously updating the Standard AI with the latest and best practices. In other words, after "Hector - Wraith King" has gone mainstream, I wanna be able to use it in my own games as well.


Artificial Intelligence in Games

In March 2016, the AlphaGo AI beat the world's best Go player. The documentary about it is excellent 💯