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Secrets of Millionaire Mind Book Summary I T. Harv Eker

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Book – Secrets of The Millionaire Mind (Mastering the Inner Game of wealth)

Author – T. Harv Eker

Genre – Self – Help

Published in – 2005

“If you’re not rich and happy, there’s a good chance you still have some things to learn about money, success, and life.”

I have read many books on money, and I can assure you that the Secret of Millionaire Mind is the prerequisite for financial well-being, freedom, and happiness.

Harv claims if your subconscious mind’s “financial blueprint” is not set for success, nothing you learn, nothing you know, and nothing you do will make much of a difference.

About the Book –

Harv discusses why only a tiny percentage of people make most of the money, and claims that we all have the power of making more money and being financially free, irrespective of how our life has turned up so far.

The book is divided into two parts. In Part 1, he discusses the reason why most people struggle financially, are extremely poor, or barely reach the middle class. In Part 2, he shares 17 money beliefs, thought processes of rich & poor, and how one can change the results by changing the way they think.

Part 1 – Your Money Blueprint

Harv claims that your character, thinking, and your beliefs are a critical part of what determines the level of your success.

“Your income can grow only to the extent you do.”

Harv calls our core beliefs about money, Blueprint. He explains that most of the beliefs we got are influenced by all we heard, observed, and experience while growing up, and we must put them under scrutiny and change it if it is restricting our growth in any way.