Fundamental Bylaws for EOS Respect community (members in the EOS Respect community):

  1. EOS Respect is an ambassadorship program for EOS support.

2.EOS Respect community members agree to follow the basic rules and regulations of the non-profit organization to prevent the breaching of contractual obligations that EOS Support has entered into with the EOS Network and other businesses.

  1. All EOS Respect community members will > 18 years of age.

  2. EOS Respect community members shall familiarize themselves with the EOS Support learning center articles and FAQs.

  3. EOS Respect community members have to be invited into the EOS Respect community by EOS support agents.

  4. EOS Respect community members can resign or opt-out at any time by notice to the EOS Respect community and EOS support organization.

  5. EOS Respect community members shall be professional and abide by non-violent communication.

  6. EOS Respect community members will participate in monthly meetings to be elected to receive funds. Each elected member will govern the funds for the betterment of EOS Support and EOS.

  7. No EOS Respect community member shall solicit or raise funds in the name of the EOS Support organization.

  8. EOS Respect community members with privileged information about the EOS network and how it does business, including its coding practices and designs, shall keep this information confidential.

  9. Any EOS Respect community member who participates in any suspicious activity to scam or trick users shall be removed from the EOS Respect community.

  10. An EOS Respect community member who misses two consecutive monthly elections without notice would be removed from the EOS Respect community.

  11. Any EOS Respect community member who is inactive for more than two months would automatically be removed from the EOS Respect community.

  12. Any EOS Respect community member who participates in issuing threats, bullying, discriminating against others in the EOS Respect community would be investigated and, if allegations are true, would be removed through dispute resolution.

  13. EOS Respect community members who have or next to their names should be mindful when making comments in the public domain (please remove or from your name when expressing your personal views in the EOS community.)

  14. EOS Respect community members agree that all disputes would be resolved with the use > ⅔ consensus of vote cast.

  15. EOS Respect community members who break bylaws repeatedly will have a dispute filed against them.

  16. All EOS Respect community members agree to discuss with the leadership of the EOS Support organization if there are problems, disagreements, and disputes.