So,I bought it two times and sold it two times,both at the top! Nice trade! Gave me huge profit!

Below are the main moves(entry,exit and hold) of mine in this trade! I have created the mnemonics for this stock trades of last one month. This way,I will be able to recall the history from memory:

Bought due to bottom and volume spike (Butt+Vagina)

Didn't add in small pullback,after fall of bonus (bone)

Added heavily at the top and regretted (adidas+top)

Sold with 8% profit(08)

Pinbar in index(Pin)

Pullback over(pully)

Bought again(Rod)

EPS on October(Octopus)

Added more(addidus)

Exited,again with 7% profit, at the top due to 'intution**'(07)**

The stock fell

Perfect Exit(perfume)

Here is the areas of the events for the mnemonics: