T-4 Weeks

Monday: Email & Post #1

The motivation is to tell the reader why it is you do what you do, and ask what their “why” is.

P.S. I've been working hard on something that I think you're going to like.

T-3 Weeks

Monday: Email & Post #2

The motivation is to let them know “Now is the best time to start” & there’s an opportunity that didn’t exist before (i.e. having all the resources to learn in the same place). "If you aren't doing X yet, are you at least doing this?"

P.S. I have a module of my workshop dedicated to this topic.

Thursday: Email & Post #3

The motivation is to show how you got from Point A (not doing the thing at all) to Point B (the right amount of the right type of thing with the right tools). You get to share the things you learned on your journey so they can get the same results in a fraction of the time!

P.S. On date my course goes on sale with early-bird pricing!

T-2 Weeks

Monday: Email & Post #4

"Why you've been bad about Topic"

The motivation is to make their struggle an internal priority to fix, and show them how the course collection alleviates the pain. "These are the things I struggled with, and I will show you the way to avoid all these pains".

P.S. Stay tuned, because over the next could weeks I'll be sharing more strategy and tactics around topic.

Thursday: Email & Post #5

"The time I messed up"

The motivation is to make a case study of yourself. There was a pain. Then you did X, and now you’re doing things confidently. I will teach how how to X.

P.S. "I know I promised more tactics, but as I've been working on the finishing touches on my workshop i've been doing some self-reflection and felt like sharing this."

T-1 Week

Monday: Email #6

"Why, when, and how to do something that's part of the workshop"

The motivation is to just share information.

P.S. Thursday is the launch at limited edition early-bird pricing! Don't miss it!

Monday: Livestream about topic from email 2.

Tuesday: Livestream about "controversial" opinion

Wednesday: Livestream Q&A about topic in general

Thursday: Email #7

Myths about Topic

P.S. Tomorrow's the day for early bird pricing with a special bonus


Email #8: Common Mistakes

The motivation is to write about mistakes you see people make, and how they can correct them (i.e. buy the course).

Livestream: Overview of the site and everything that comes with it

Saturday: Email #9

"It's not just about X". How the workshop material can be applied elsewhere in the world.

P.S. You’ve still got time to purchase the full Testing Course at the discounted price, but it won’t be around much longer!