Remember, everyone is different. Just because your new hire is progressing at an unexpected pace, doesn't mean they are not efficient. In fact, they may be ahead of eddy!

What does it mean to be on track?

When you see your new hire's profile in yellow(!), they are at least 5 days behind or ahead of expected progress.

What does it mean if they are progressing slower than anticipated?

In this case, your new hire is not completing tasks at your expected pace. Before jumping to conclusions, consider the following -

What should I (hiring manager) do?

Check in with your new hire to see how their use of eddy is adding to their onboarding experience, and consider adjusting the onboarding plan on your end to fit the new hire's needs. Here are some questions we suggest you use to better understand their progress:

What does it mean if your new hire(s) are progressing faster than anticipated?

Your new hire may be completing tasks faster than expected, and is therefore ahead of your onboarding plan's timeline. Here are some questions you might ask yourself to better understand their progress: