1. LaunchMatic tutorial screen:

    1. I know it's the tutorial screen because i read about it in Nalin's comments. I am not sure if i would have known it was JUST a tutorial and not actually modifiable
    2. my first instinct was to click the first device screen because the second device screen says to 'edit a template by clicking on it'
    3. But then I went to edit the text in the left box, and that worked.. so maybe it's just the.. —OH! It's edit the contents of the template but not change the device frame
    4. I keep thinking that if I double-click the device frame, it will take me to the device frame template selector thing. WHERE THE FUCK IS IT
    5. The text 'SWAP BETWEEN DEVICES BELOW' i think it's referring to the icons right below the template. I clicked... (side note: AH THAT'S WHERE THE DEVICE FRAMES ARE!!!).. instinct is not to look in the bottom righthand corner, but that's where it was the last time, so I remembered to look there. If it was my first time, I'm not sure if it would have been obvious
    6. If my window is not at full size, I don't see the end, 'add device template'
  2. Creating screenshots

    1. I tried to upload all the device screens to the iPad Pro 3rd Gen.
      1. I REALLY like how the wrong screens are flagged as having different aspect ratios
      2. I wish I could just bulk upload and it would self-sort but having the flag is great
    2. I tried clicking on the device screen in the device frame template to change the image. Then I went over to screenshots
    3. I backscrolled too far (changed pages), and my design didn't save
      1. Side note: If I change the device frames in the tutorial, will it save as the new project 'Tutorial' or will the Tutorial default back to the actual tutorial
      2. Side answer: yes, it saves.
      3. Can I change the name of the project? Doesn't look like it
      4. Can I duplicate a project? Doesn't look like it
    4. I tried to click the text box to change the text
    5. I exported a screenshot that I didn't actually produce. Ah okay... so it will create the same across all devices. Is there a way to toggle on/ off 'apply to all' devices. But yes, default to apply all is better than having to do each separately.

Other Notes:

  1. Spectrum sign up is shit