Problem Statement (Abstract)

Rune FOX burn counter at the top?

With the passage of SCP 153 we’ll need to display to users what holding FOX does for them. Alongside updating the fees on trade modals, this also gives us the opportunity to reuse some older code, display yield opportunities, and have a single page to explain “what can I do with FOX?”


SCP 153



  1. Spike and then display fees intuitively on the preview && confirm modals ✅
  2. Display an interactive fee model that emphasizes the value of holding FOX for users ✅
  3. Bring back all the FOX opportunities and cross link them 🚫
  4. Include a CTA for governance 🚫


  1. List explicit areas we do not plan to address
  2. Explain why they are not goals
  3. These are as important and clarifying as the goals

Revenues & Costs

Likely this will lead to FOX purchases, which could have an impact on price though that is up to the market to decide.

What are the costs associated with this? Implicit (contributor work) and explicit (payouts etc.)