Site Level


Endemic ⇒ where Prevalence >= 1

Non-endemic ⇒ where Prevalence < 1


Method_0 == 'TAS'

Sentinel Sites

Method_0 == 'SS/Spot'

Mapping Surveys

Method_0 == 'Mapping survey'


Method_0 == 'Surveillance'

Note: Jorge says that Surveillance is already included in Sentinel Sites. So, this one does not need to be included.


Endemicity (Endem_MDA column determines category)

Non endemic Endemic (MDA not started) Endemic (under MDA) Endemic, Post-MDA Surveillance Mapping gap

MDA/PC rounds (Projections)

5 to 1 ⇒ Endemicity == 'Requiring PC', see MDA_Left value Under surveillance ⇒ Endemicity == 'Under surveillance', MDA_Left == 99 Mapping gap in 2017 ⇒ Endemicity == 'Unknown', MDA_Left == 999 Non endemic ⇒ Endemicity == 'Non-endemic', MDA_left == 999

MDA/PC rounds (Therapeutic)

Mapping gap ⇒ Mapping_gap == 1

Under surveillance ⇒ Endemicity == 'Under surveillance' (or EffMDA_n == 99)

Non endemic ⇒ Endemicity == 'Non-endemic' (or EffMDA_n == 999)

Not MDA yet or <65% ⇒ EffMDA_n == 0

≥ 5 effective MDA rounds ⇒ EffMDA_n ≥ 5

< 5 effective MDA rounds ⇒ EffMDA_n < 5 and EffMDA_n > 0

MDA/PC rounds (Geographic)

Mapping gap ⇒ Mapping_gap == 1

Under surveillance ⇒ Endemicity == 'Under surveillance' (or MDA_n == 99)

Non endemic ⇒ Endemicity == 'Non-endemic' (or MDA_n == 999)

Not MDA yet ⇒ MDA_n == 0

≥ 5 MDA rounds ⇒ MDA_n ≥ 5

< 5 MDA rounds ⇒ MDA_n < 5 and MDA_n > 0


Site Level


Hyper-endemic (≥40%) ⇒ Prevalence ≤ 0.4 Meso-endemic (20%-39.9%) ⇒ Prevalence ≥ 0.2 and Prevalence < 0.4 Hypo-endemic (0-19.9%) ⇒ Prevalence ≥ 0 and Prevalence < 0.2

Impact Assessment (Skin Biopsy)

⇒ where Assessment_Type != 'Mapping' and Diagnostic == 'Parasitology (Skin biopsy)'

Mapping Surveys (Anti-OV16 Test)

⇒ where Assessment_Type = 'Mapping' and Diagnostic == 'Immunology (Ov16)'

Mapping Surveys (Nodule Palpation)

⇒ where Assessment_Type = 'Mapping' and Diagnostic == 'Nodule palpation'

Mapping Surveys (Skin Biopsy)

⇒ where Assessment_Type = 'Mapping' and Diagnostic == 'Parasitology (Skin biopsy)'


Endemicity (Endemicity column determines category)

Non endemic Endemic (MDA not started) Endemic (under MDA) Unknown (under LF MDA) Endemic, Post-MDA Surveillance Consider Oncho Elimination Mapping

MDA/PC coverage (Geographic)

Under surveillance ⇒ MDA == 99

Non endemic ⇒ MDA == 999

Consider Oncho Elimination Mapping ⇒ Endemicity == 'Consider Oncho Elimination Mapping'

MDA delivered ⇒ MDA > 0 && Cov ≥ 0

MDA not delivered ⇒ MDA == 0

Endemicity unknown (Under LF MDA) ⇒ Endemicity == 'Unknown (under LF MDA)'

MDA/PC coverage (Therapeutic)

Under surveillance ⇒ EffMDA == 99

Non endemic ⇒ EffMDA == 999

Consider Oncho Elimination Mapping ⇒ Endemicity == 'Consider Oncho Elimination Mapping'

MDA delivered ⇒ EffMDA > 0 && Cov ≥ 65

MDA not delivered ⇒ Cov < 65

Endemicity unknown (Under LF MDA) ⇒ Endemicity == 'Unknown (under LF MDA)'

Under surveillance ⇒ mda_column == 99

Non endemic ⇒ mda_column == 999

Consider Oncho Elimination Mapping ⇒ Endemicity == 'Consider Oncho Elimination Mapping'

MDA delivered ⇒ MDA > 0 && Cov ≥ 0

MDA not delivered ⇒ MDA == 0

Endemicity unknown (Under LF MDA) ⇒ Endemicity == 'Unknown (under LF MDA)'

MDA/PC rounds (Geographic)

MDA not delivered 1-2 MDA rounds/4-yrs 3-4 MDA rounds/4-yrs Under surveillance Consider Oncho Elimination Mapping Non endemic Endemicity unknown (Under LF MDA)

MDA/PC rounds (Therapeutic)

Not MDA or <65% 1-2 MDA rounds/4-yrs 3-4 MDA rounds/4-yrs Under surveillance Consider Oncho Elimination Mapping Non endemic Endemicity unknown (Under LF MDA)



Endemicity (Endemicity column determines category)

Predicted RAPLOA = 0 ⇒ RAPLOA 0 Predicted RAPLOA > 0 ⇒ Hypo-endemic | Meso-endemic | Hyper-endemic No data ⇒ No data Non-endemic ⇒ Non-endemic

Site Level


0% ⇒ Prevalence == 0

0%-19.9% ⇒ Prevalence > 0.0 and Prevalence < 20.0 20%-39.9% ⇒ Prevalence ≥ 20.0 and Prevalence < 40.0 ≥40% ⇒ Prevalence ≥ 40.0

Mapping Surveys

Blood smear

⇒ where Diagnostic == 'Parasitology (Thick Blood S)'


⇒ where Diagnostic == 'Questionnaire'


Site Level


<1% (Non-endemic) 1%-10% (Low endemicity) 10%-50% (Moderate endemicity)

=50% (High endemicity) PCT required PCT not required

Mapping Surveys (All species)

⇒ all

Mapping Surveys (S. haematobium)

⇒ where Smax_Species == 'S. haematobium'

Mapping Surveys (S. mansoni)

⇒ where Smax_Species == 'S. mansoni'