What I can do with this integration

With the Droyd <> Slack integration, you will be able to send reports to Slack automatically, when you want it, to the channel of you choice.

You can include any metric from your Droyd instance in these reports. For instance you could get metrics on your Sales Pipeline from your CRM and get daily updates in a Slack channel.

Refer to the Reports section of the documentation to learn more about building reports.

How to connect to Slack?

  1. Go to the Integrations page and then New app.
  2. Next to Slack, click on Connect.
  3. Log into your Slack account in the page you are redirected to.
  4. Authorize the Droyd app, you will be redirected to the Integrations page.

<aside> 💡 If you're not an administrator of your Slack workspace, the admin will be notified to approve the app. The integration will be ready to use as soon as it is approved.


Building a Slack report

Once you've connected Slack, head up to the Reporting section in the Droyd app.

Click on new report, and give a name to your report:


Configuring your report

<aside> ⚠️ Droyd currently supports public channels only.

