a. Essential Plan Terms

The Essential Plan is available at a monthly subscription fee of $19.

The subscription provides access to one chatbot, allowing interactions with website visitors.

Users can utilize up to 25 web pages and documents (PDF, DOC, etc.) for chatbot interactions.

A membership to the Docenty hub is included with the subscription.

Users can avail themselves of custom sitemap and prompts features.

Multi-channel campaigns (coming soon) will be made available to users.

b. Pro Plan Terms:

The Pro Plan is available at a starting monthly subscription fee of $99.

Subscribers to the Pro Plan receive all features and benefits of the Essential Plan.

Additionally, the Pro Plan includes five chatbots for more extensive interactions.

Users can request software engineer support for technical assistance.

Integration with Livechat (coming soon) will be made available to Pro Plan subscribers.

Feature requests and membership benefits are provided to Pro Plan subscribers.

Custom logics and flows (coming soon) can be accessed by Pro Plan subscribers.