1. ab ≠ 0, a < 0 && b < 0 or a > 0 && b > 0
  2. Data Interpretation
  3. Average speed a → b and b → a Average speed = total distance / total time 1st let any distance from point A to point B Get total time using s = vt rule Get the time for the given one Get the other time from the total time and using that get the speed for the 2nd one
  4. we cant assume parallel or right angle if not given
  5. In QC, check x int or float
  6. could be means it can be for any numbers
  7. We cant cross out from both sides of the eqn unless it is not told that they are greater than 0
  8. divided by X not by Y, - Check for both by X and not by
  9. 0.2 * 0.2 = 0.04, not 0.4 0.4 * 0.04 = 0.016 not 0.16 or 1.6
  10. Square root always + and -,

$$ p^2/q^2 = 4 $$

$$ p = +- 2 $$

  1. If we get 2 answers, do check by replacing on the main eqn if both are valid or not
  2. The number of multiples between a^2 and a^5 = (a^5 - a^2)/a - 1
  3. how much increase/decrease or how much after if increase/decrease plus or minus from the previous value
  4. fraction square make the number less always
  5. use 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 more
  6. Integer factors means divisors, prime factors means prime divisors