ICM has been an uphill battle for me this semester. To say I struggled is an understatement. Can I say that I know what I'm doing at the end of this class? Absolutely not.

Can I say that I partially understand what things mean and how to type them out? Maybe.

Can I say that you can Google things and find the answer to a lot of your problems while coding? Well…that I can answer with a resounding YES!

Sadly, I think that took away how enamoured I was by coding but also how overwhelmed I felt while not understanding how to code.

I still don’t know if I want to use code in my work but with my final project, I attempted to bring an idea of mine to life. I wasn’t as successful as I wanted to be, but I tried.

I decided to create a coded version of my Instagram page, which is supposed to be a page that brings together people to write in memories that they associate with a particular song. PatchworkPlaylist is supposed to provide a blanket of warmth (hence a patchwork playlist made up of album cover art) through a shared moment of nostalgia.

If you want to check out the page, you can read more memories below!

I attempted to re-create this for my final but was unable to create an entire grid. After managing to execute four patches and stories, one of the files got corrupted.

Then P5 wouldn’t load the sketch and then didn’t upload the right images either even after I had deleted them and uploaded new files.

So I removed all the files and uploaded them again and again and again!

Screenshot 2022-12-08 at 8.50.40 PM.png

Screenshot 2022-12-08 at 8.15.19 PM.png