D_D’s Fundraising Operators chuck25#4313 and Wikist#4898are creating educational resources related with fundraising for every Developer DAO member to enjoy.

If you are a D_D member looking for grant funding for a project you founded, please connect with them on Discord by sending a direct message or posting in the channel #fundraising-general. You will be able to get more feedback and guidance.

You can also come to official Office Hours hosted at 2pm UTC on Mondays and Fridays in the voice-chat-1 on the Developer DAO Discord server and speak with them directly.

In the folder below you can find useful resources that can help you out in your fundraising efforts: presentations explaining the grant application process, templates of grant applications and list of actual connections between Fundraising Operators and funders in the space that they can connect you with.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/6d0cf051-5160-457e-ae4a-eb57cc0116fb/googledrive.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/6d0cf051-5160-457e-ae4a-eb57cc0116fb/googledrive.png" width="40px" /> Fundraising Hub - Public Resources


To this date Fundraising Operators had performed several workshops on fundraising. They are freely accessible on the Developer DAO’s YouTube channel:

  1. D_D Fundraising Workshop #:1 The Components of a Great Grant Application
  2. D_D Fundraising Workshop #2: Write a Compelling Narrative for Your Project
  3. D_D Fundraising Workshop #3: Present Your Path to Sustainability and Scale
  4. D_D Fundraising Workshop #4: Present a Budget for Web3 Grant
  5. D_D Fundraising Workshop #5: Practice Your Elevator Pitch