Christopher Murphy · 20 June, 2020

The ability to stand up in front of an audience – whether that audience is 1, 100 or 1,000+ – is critical and pitching is one of the skills you need to master if you're to further your career. It can be stressful, but that stress can be conquered.

You need to build up the confidence to hold an audience’s attention and sell to them.

You might be selling a product or a service (or both), you might be selling an idea, that's at the early stages of inception, but whatever you're selling, you have to hold others' attention.

In this section of The Library, I'll be mapping out strategies for pitching with clarity and confidence.

As the actress said…

I suspect – for learners on my 'Accelerated Learner' cohorts – I'll offer an add-on, to work with Amy Tez. Tez, worked with us on the Propel programme and she's fantastic at helping with the mechanics of pitching: the body, projecting your voice, building confidence.

Here's what we need to cover…

Index Cards

If you could only use three index cards for your pitch, what would they be?

Where to look?

Look into the middle centre back of the camera lens. That's the equivalent of looking into the eyes of your lover… — TK Kader