Chris Murphy · 16 December, 2020

If this is your first visit to The Library, welcome! The Library is the backbone of The School of Design and is the framework around which our community is organised. If you’d like to join the community, this page outlines the benefits of membership.

The School of Design is a community for design-focused entrepreneurs who are designing and building the businesses of tomorrow.

I started building The Library during my time on IGNITE’s Propel Pre-Accelerator (January–June, 2020). Thanks to the support of the team at Notion, access to The Library is free.

The Library is the material I refer our members to, when I’m teaching courses. It will give you a good idea of the kind of material we cover in the school.

Here’s everything I’ve taught, for free.

The Library holds three decades of learning materials. It’s everything I’ve taught, for free. I’m in the last decade of my career and my goal with The Library is to help as many people as possible, which is why it is open access.

The School of Design

First Principles


Leverage (New)

New Categories




Time (Make the most of it.)

Ideas × Execution

Pricing and Positioning