Deep Work is not a start-up. We're two founders, previously freelancers, who built Deep Work from scratch with our own resources and work. We're eager to grow and work with a network of design freelancers and workshop facilitators, always making sure we can all influence the direction of Deep Work together.

Our website -

Why Deep Work?


Core at everything we do is to be health first - Only if we prioritise mind and body (mental health, sleep, nutrition, exercise, nature, community) can you, our team and network perform to our best.

Example, daily mental health check-ins:

Mental Check-In - Deep Work

Collaboration second - We believe that in the future organisations will need to use a combination of hierarchical and cooperative structures. We use innovative processes and tools to optimise for enjoyable work and high-end creative output.

The Hypersprint - Deep Work

Why might you want to work with us?