🤔 What is DeepSource?

DeepSource is a static analysis platform that helps developers and engineering teams systematically improve code quality and security and save time in code reviews. You can think of us as Grammarly (or spelling and grammar checkers), but for code.

We integrate with popular code hosting platforms, like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, and help developers find and fix problems in their code every time they push changes or make a pull request. Thousands of developers and engineering teams rely on DeepSource to keep their code clean and secure.

Video: What is DeepSource?

🎮 What technologies do you support?

You may refer to DeepSource Directory for a list of technologies supported. In addition to source code, we enable you to track key metrics of your codebase, such as code coverage, documentation coverage, dependencies, etc.

🛠 What technologies do you use?

We use static analysis, regular expressions, and machine learning behind the scenes to detect issues in code, generate fixes, and prioritize issues depending on the project or team's coding conventions. Our Language Engineering team builds and maintains custom static analyzers, in addition to supporting integrations with third-party open-source static analyzers.

We have our own analysis runtime, which means you don't need any external runtime like a CI tool (CircleCI, TravisCI, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, etc.) to use DeepSource.

👀 How are you different from X?

There are a number of companies that have tried using static analysis to solve the problem of improving the quality of code. DeepSource takes a radically different approach by adding layers on top of the static analysis layer (where other competitors stop) to make the results more usable by developers. Our primary differentiators are: