In this section of our website, we have decided to list all the materials and tools we use in the garden, alongside manufacturer and supplier information, as well as some technical details.

Wherever relevant, we have researched and included the materials different items are made of, as well as some sustainability considerations (durability, average life, etc.)

This list has two purposes:

Growing food is a collaborative endeavour and we are indebted to our mentors who have openly shared their knowledge with us. So, we feel that the least we can do is to follow in their footsteps and be as open-source as possible.

Thanks for asking us questions about what we do, what we use and why - and please keep them coming!

A note about our Tools

On our courses we often get questions about our unique set of tools. We have worked closely with our friend Dan Cordell to make tools which are specifically tailored to our growing methods. These include the wire hoe, the gridder and the drop seeder - three tools that allow for efficient, precise and pleasant work in the garden. We have also imported some of the more rare tools such as the Jang Seeder and the Collinear and oscillating hoes.

We have been on the lookout for a supplier of these tools in the UK, and the search has finally come to an end! ReAgTools, based in Somerset, run a small market garden and import innovative tools specifically designed for small vegetable and market gardens. They offer lots of the tools we use and much more.

We have decided to partner with ReAgTools, so if you go to their online store via the link below, 7% of your purchase goes to support our market garden. We are glad to support ReAgTools, because they are a small, family-run business and they are the only suppliers of such tools in the UK!


Our Tools

Propagation trays & pots

Compost & Cardboard

Insect netting & Frost protection

