This Working Group aims to initiate a community discussion about the importance of creating a strategy and roadmap to enhance the efficiency of the DAO. The formation of the DAO Strategy will be a collaborative process involving the community, and its points will be proposed in Draft and Governance proposals after discussion with members.

Original proposal:


The main goal of these discussions will be to identify Decentraland DAO primary areas of focus, set clear objectives and the development of specific tactics to “find sustainable economic and social models for our social network”.

The creation of the DAO Strategy and Roadmap must be a collaborative process involving stakeholders, the whole community, and the Core Team. Below you’ll find some initial guidelines that we could use as a standard step by step process for strategic planning:

  1. Define the Vision and Mission
  2. Identify Specific Areas of Interest, Goals and Objectives
  3. Conduct a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
  4. Run a Diagnosis
  5. Develop Strategies and Tactics for those Goals and Objectives
  6. Assign Responsibilities
  7. Establish Metrics and Targets
  8. Monitor and Evaluate Progress

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