The primary objective of this Working Group is to tackle crucial resource allocation issues within the community. Its goal is to find a middle ground between community input and the sustainability of long-term projects, all while taking into account the administrative responsibilities placed on the DAO. Additionally, the group will explore dynamic grant allocation models that adapt budgets in response to the market value of MANA, ensuring the program's financial stability. The working group will also aim to hold discussions around the improvement of the grant decision-making process through a comprehensive framework that assesses alignment with DAO goals, project feasibility, and team qualifications to achieve the most effective allocation of resources.

Objectives and Main Axes

Documentation & Materials

Materials, Background & Working Papers

Analysis and Reporting (Q&As)

General Information



Roadmap & Expected Outcomes

Guides & Processes

Procedure & Lifecycle

Other Channels

🎮 Discord

🗣️ Forum Thread

🧮 Slido

Collaborators & Roles