Interested in UX and human-centered design?

<aside> 🐣 Join our fellowship Fellowship Application


<aside> 🐥 Join our cohort Cohort Application


Fellowship Application

Our new fellowship program is a community of UCD students passionate about design and human-centered problem-solving. Fellows will have access to curated educational UX resources, office hours with DI alumni, and our official discord server. Applications will be due Friday, April 16th @ 11:59 PM PT.


An interest in human-centered design / user experience and a passion to learn is all we're looking for!

📝 Application Basics

The application process to join our fellowship is a quick written application. We want to get to know more about you and why you're interested in joining Design Interactive! This will only take about 10-15 minutes to answer.

After the application deadline, invitations will be sent via email.

<aside> 🐣 Join our fellowship Fellowship Application


Cohort Application

We're recruiting experienced designers for our Spring 2021 cohort! Our associate teams will be focused on solving exploratory, out-of-the-box problems or providing innovative solutions for real-world clients. If you want to know what our design associates work do throughout the quarter, please check out our website for more information. Applications will be due Friday, April 9th @ 11:59 PM PT.


Significant knowledge in human-centered design shown through a design portfolio showcasing UX projects such as internship experience, DES 112 final project, or personal passion project.

📝 Application Basics

The application process to join our spring cohort consists of 2 parts — the design challenge and written application.