General Information

This component is a universal solution for "supervised machine learning problem" solving. Supervised machine learning can be defined as learning a function that performs the mapping of the independent characteristics that describe objects or phenomena to the expected outcomes (categories, values, etc.). The inference of the analytical function is performed based on the trained examples - the model fitting process lies in feeding the data into the model and iterative adjustment of the model's weights until the model has been fitted appropriately.

Supervised learning requires the training set, which represents the connections between input parameters (features) and the desired output (target) - the type of the target variable defines the type of the corresponded Data Mining problem (classification or regression):

Predictive Model brick automatically performs the detecting of the supervised learning problem's type, based on the selected target variable, as well as the selection of the input features that are appropriate for the modeling. There are two modes of Predictive Model brick settings:


Brick Location

BricksAnalytics → AutoMLPredictive Model

BricksAnalytics → Data Mining / ML → Classification ModelsPredictive Model

BricksAnalytics → Data Mining / ML → Regression ModelsPredictive Model

Brick Parameters

Brick Inputs/Outputs