Zeropark Publisher is an app for people monetising web space. While web app allows for configuration, the mobile app was created for a quick, convenient, and attractive access to Publisher's dashboard.

The goal

To migrate the web app's dashboard functionality to native mobile environment.

My role

Product Design


Trying to figure out what is the best solution for migration of complex dashboard, we faced some challenges concerning interaction with the app's interface.

How to respect interactive patterns between iOS and Android?

In order of delivering interactive patterns adequate to each platform, we reached for Human Interfaces Guidelines and Material Design Guidelines to profoundly understand what's more familiar to a particular user.

We had done many prototypes testing different solutions. I used Principle for rapid prototyping and once we agreed upon a solution it was then first prototyped using Xcode and Android Studio on software engineering side of things.

While creating Principle-based prototypes i had used iPhone 6 and Nexus 5 devices to test simultaneously for iOS and Android platforms. In order to test application builds properly, we created and used a test farm with over a dozen Android and iOS devices.

How to manage development for different platforms simultaneously?

We really wanted to adjust the app to both platforms which necessitated appropriate communication of differences to our programmers before visual layer was built. It concerned such aspects as information nesting or type of interaction in a particular area. We simply adapted information architecture for that purposes highlighting tips and parameters right to specific view or component mentioned in the app's information architecture.

How to simplify interaction?

We made up four simple interactive solutions to fully migrate desktop dashboard to touchscreen devices.