Welcome to the open weeknotes notion zone. As mentioned in the opening provocation and introductory Medium blog, as a partnership we want to recognise our privilege in this work and avoid falling into the trap of building a knowledge base in isolation of wider stakeholders, including those within neighbourhoods and communities who will help determine the shape and feel of each place-based transition.

Our intention is for this exploration to build upon existing knowledge and inspire a wider ecosystem of stakeholders to continue to develop and test out new ideas in a way that builds a “movement-of-many” capable of displacing dominant systems of investment and finance. To that end, we will be “working out loud” over the course of this collaboration. Partners will take it in turns to write a WeekNote, sharing learnings as we go. Week Notes are an essential learning and sharing practice in our emerging work, and are a firm prompt for us all to reflect, notate and organise our recording regularly enough that we can really capture and relate back to learnings and findings each week.
