
Daily calls now give you access to call logs and metrics for every call to help you better understand your calls and troubleshoot issues as they arise.

Call logs characterize what happens in a call from the point of view of each participant. These logs include information about resource bundle downloads, signaling connections, peer-to-peer & SFU call connections and events, participants' environments and their actions, and error states.

Call metrics help to characterize the performance and stability of the connection by providing transport layer, candidate-pair, and track level statistics.

Accessing information

Call logs and metrics are made available through the Daily Dashboard and an API endpoint. Additionally, we've built a sample app — Daily Call Explorer — as an example of how this information can be used.

Data starts being collected by the browser client once a second participant joins a call. The first data sample is logged after 15 seconds. Subsequent samples are logged every 15 seconds.

Daily Dashboard

The Daily Dashboard provides access to both past and live session through the Sessions tab. When you click on a session, you can see specifics about a call, including a list of participants that joined the call.


Click on any participant to see more about their connection, along with their transport layer information visualized and all of their call logs.


/logs endpoint

The /logs API endpoint provides you with the ability to pinpoint the call logs and metrics of interest.

Requesting logs and metrics

GET /logs/ responds with filtered, sorted call logs and/or metrics. Accepts args: