<aside> 💡 Our core values reflect our unique view of the world, and how we tackle our mission of changing the food system and bringing peace to the food galaxy. We share our values to attract and inspire others that aspire to the same values as us. They represent our vision of establishing a transparent, fair and resilient food system, and how we will practice our vision every day. Each value is a way of being, seeing or doing. Reading each aloud should inspire action or attitude.


Be a Jedi

Bringing balance to the food galaxy is a long and complex process. It will feel intractable and chaotic at times, and it takes great stamina, resilience and selflessness to always champion the mission. Being one with the force comes with great responsibility, but we do not hesitate to do what must be done to restore peace. We are pragmatic and move new bricks into place every day, knowing that's what it takes to build a temple. We are always looking at the long game and do not let ripples on the surface disturb us.

Be open

Vulnerability is our root to all good, and a given in the Dagens family. We create safe spaces where everyone can express themselves without suffering judgement, only critical feedback - which we all welcome. We strive for radical open-mindedness, but seek to keep it relevant. Thoughtful disagreements and discussions are welcomed. Take full responsibility for what you say and do. We always welcome learning opportunities, and look at our failures as opportunities to grow. Openness also means that if you seek, you shall always find. If you don’t find it on your own, you can always ask. We are always transparent and will tell you straight how things are interconnected*.

Rebel with a cause

We are rebels with little previous experience from the food system, driving us to question the status quo. We are curious and playful, always challenging assumptions and established truths, without fear of failing. We know that fresh minds are the solution to system disruption and rebuilding - and we are not afraid to piss people off* if we see that they need some new perspectives. We must first tear down the old to rebuild the new. We dare to stay true to the mission of establishing a new and better food system, and will always be the crazy ones that go where no-one else dares.

*People who are keeping the structures of the broken food system in place

Go to 'Hurum'

The startup "experts" told us: "don't go to the farm, it takes too long. Why spend that time traveling to them when you can do a video call from your office?". Because we care, and are insanely passionate about re-imagining how the food system functions. For us there is only one right way to build something that our users want to use: go to Hurum*. See and feel the magic first hand, talk with people face to face. We get on the tractor, pick the vegetables and herd the cows. That's how we show that we have the passion necessary to create real change. We are empaths. Passionate. Dedicated. Devoted. We know that we know nothing, and must seek insights directly.

*Hurum is a place outside Oslo where some of our first producers were located. But ‘Hurum’ is just an illustration. ‘Hurum’ in this setting is where our users are. It could be the storage where our logistics partners operate; the fishery of our fishermen; the kitchen of our chefs, the field where the bees get their honey; or where-ever else our users use our product.

Resilience through diversity

Dagens is for everyone - as long as they adhere to our higher-level framework of sustainable food production. We value all potatoes, but have strict boundaries and don’t hesitate to enforce them. Everyone gets a chance to share our values and principles. We believe diversity is a strength and a necessity to create real, lasting change. Diversity is the number one prerequisite for a resilient food system. This pertains to both people and produce. With diversity comes a wider range of perspectives, insights, experiences and connections - important both to our mission and to the wellbeing and culture of the Dagens team.