Updated April 11, 2022

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This section covers consent management for data recipients, including the consumer dashboard and consent withdrawal.

These guidelines provide examples for how to implement the data recipient consumer dashboard. This includes example designs related to collection and use consents, amended consents, and disclosure consents to accredited persons.

Consent Management is the final stage of ‣.

Consent Management is the final stage of ‣.

CX Guidelines for data recipient consent management

Collection and use consents

The consumer dashboard is where a consumer can review and manage their consents (also called sharing arrangements). Example designs are provided for collection and use consents and amended consents. Read more about Data recipient consumer dashboard: Collection and use consents.

Disclosure consents

The consumer dashboard is where a consumer can review and manage their consents (also called sharing arrangements). Example designs are provided for disclosure consents including accredited persons and Trusted Advisers. Read more about Data recipient consumer dashboard: Disclosure consents.