Cub Fair is a free virtual career fair at UC Berkeley hosted by Codebase, Product Space, Launchpad, and the Student Association for Applied Statistics (SAAS). Kicking off at 12 PM PT on September 14, the career fair will feature a prominent speaker in the tech industry during the opening ceremony and follow with workshops hosted by the coordinating clubs and coffee chats between top company recruiters and students for career opportunities in SWE, AI/ML, data science, and product management. All Berkeley students are encouraged to join and accelerate their recruitment journey!

<aside> 🚨 You may only sign up for a maximum of 2 coffee chat slots! We want to ensure that all students have a chance to speak with companies they're most interested in.


Schedule & Logistics

Cub Fair Schedule

Info Central

[Required] To officially RSVP and submit your resume for recruiters to view, you must fill out the Cub Fair Registration Form before the event. We will also use your submission for swag-related information, so please fill this out as soon as you can!

[Required] Please join our Slack at your earliest convenience (i.e. as soon as you read this). We will use it for quick communication about important, upcoming events as well as troubleshooting. You may also use it to visit company Slack channels and network with your fellow Bears. The Webinar Zoom Link will only be used for the opening ceremony. Workshops and coffee chats will be held on separate Zoom meetings, which you can find below.

<aside> 🐻 Cub Fair Registration Form


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Slack Invite Link


<aside> 💻 Webinar Zoom Link (12 PM - 12:30 PM PT. Opening ceremony only)


<aside> 👨‍🎓 Student Guide


<aside> 💡 Student Feedback Form (fill out for swag raffle!)


Company Info + Coffee Chat Links

Workshop Info + Zoom Links

Club Info + Contacts