Step 1: Set up your profile

It is recommended that you use a desktop computer to fill out your profile. Not all fields are available to edit on the mobile application.

  1. Add your Full Name and choose your preferred Display Name

    Note - It is important to use your full name and not a nick name or handle because if you apply to work with brands we will need to know how to find you!

    Note - It is important to use your full name and not a nick name or handle because if you apply to work with brands we will need to know how to find you!

  2. Add a profile photo

  3. Fill out the What I do description

  4. Complete the custom fields (via a desktop computer)

Your finished profile will look like this

Your finished profile will look like this

<aside> 🔎 Need more help? How to edit your profile in Slack & Upload a profile photo


Step 2: Customise your notification settings

We don't expect you to keep up with every conversation in Slack. However, we want to make sure you aren't missing any of the important stuff. By correctly setting your notification preferences, you'll only get notifications about mentions, direct messages and messages with keywords.

Turn on your alerts for mentions and DMs.

Turn on your alerts for mentions and DMs.

Choose when to get notifications.

Choose when to get notifications.

You can set specific notification preferences for any channel. Simply go to Settings. Tap Notifications, then Channel-specific notifications

<aside> ⚠️ Need more information? Read this guide to mobile notifications


Step 3: Explore our channels

Here is the current list of all Creatively Squared Creators channels.


Your go-to channels for announcements, asking for help and connecting with others.


Channels to flex your creative muscles, share your work or get feedback