how to add italics, bold, lists, paragraphs etc. in your threads

Here's a quick demonstration of how to format your text in Courselets: this is italics; this is bold.

You create a new paragraph by typing a blank line before it.  You can create a bullet list by typing new paragraphs that start with an asterisk and a space, like this:

* this is the first bullet.
* this is the second bullet.

You can create a numbered list by typing new paragraphs that start with a number, period and a space, like this:

1. this is the first item.
2. this is the second item.
You write a code block by ending the previous paragraph with two colons, and indenting each line of the code block like this::

  def cool_function(a, b, c):
      return b * b -  4 * a *c

For further details see


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