Welcome to our Branding Doc.

Here you will find key guidelines & gain access to graphic files.

Time to get creative and express the Coral Tribe message in your unique way.

Reach out to us on Discord & tag @Mowlgi if you have any questions.

Let’s Flow.

Intro & Key Themes:

>> Web3 Technology:

Think geometric symbols, blockchain nodes & a high-vibrance gradient. This is what gives us modernity and relevance.


>> A Touch of The Ancient:

Think ancient symbols, temple walls, Mayan glyphs, mandalas and more…

This is what gives us a hint of mystery, deep roots and an old lore.

Screenshot 2022-11-01 at 13.21.45.png

>> Nature:

Think waves, shells, corals & algae. ****This is what makes us feel one with nature, connected with our oceans.
