Since social media and the iPhone, our memories have been deteriorating quickly.

"More in-person time with friends and family. Less political knowledge, but also less partisan fever. A small bump in one’s daily moods and life satisfaction."

These are results from a Stanford study reported when people deleted their Facebook.

Though many upsides, the latest personal computer and smart phone revolution have changed how we interact and what we remember.

As society continues to reach new heights, we will:

  1. replace computers with smart glasses, and
  2. allow technology to interpret our spoken words (conversational intelligence/AI)

We need to find ways to shift the trajectory from technology that distracts from the human experience to technology that serves the human experience.

If successful, smart glasses and conversational intelligence would help people to communicate and collaborate more effectively. Though 10+ years away, if we can nudge these technologies in a direction that is more personal, people will be smarter and better connected because of it.

Hurdles to Overcome

Prior to augmented reality and conversational intelligence becoming mainstream, we'll need better microphone technology and natural language processing tools to accurately transcribe speech, distinguish voices from one another, and understand sentiment.

We'll need creative solutions to state and federal laws that prevent recording without consent. And we'll need better batteries and algorithms to transmit, transcribe, and categorize speech.

What to Expect

Imagine you and a friend each have a pair of glasses and out of the corner of your eyes you see the conversation you're having being transcribed in real time. You receive real-time suggestions based on your context: be it a better way to connect with the individual, learn an educational concept, or keep track of your experiences.