Are you giving your most important ideas the attention they deserve?

If you want to stand out in your industry, you have to do something different.

And in order to do something different, you have to put serious thought and effort into crafting your message.

But, show of hands if you find it hard to make the time to do the work to make your deep work, your content and messaging, a priority? 🙋‍♀️

Let's face it: trying to do the deep, visionary thinking necessary to create thought leadership content on your own is nearly impossible when you're focused on delivering your products or services, managing a team, and growing your business.

This deep work is what Stephen Covey called Important but Not Urgent.

And too often, things in that quadrant fall to the bottom of our to do list — or fall off it completely.

That’s because we’re paying all our attention to things that feel more urgent.

It means our attention is pinging around all the time with what other people want from us, because urgency often originates from other people’s expectations.

The kind of deep work that is necessary to create your own unique intellectual property and become a thought leader in your space is not urgent. It doesn’t ping, ding, buzz, or beep.

But this kind of content is vital to a certain kind of business and visionary CEO.

But if you are NOT focusing time and attention on doing the deep work, making space for big thinking, and then converting that into intellectual property and content that will position you as a thought leader, you’re hampering your business’ growth.

You’re putting a damper on your important message and mission.

And, maybe most importantly, you’re not reaching the people you can help.

Go from overlooked and unknown to industry thought leader

But when you do invest the time and attention in creating deep, memorable, valuable content, your position in your marketplace soars.