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I’m Collier Kirkland,

and I design docs solutions. I’m also a writer, musician, & Notion enthusiast.

I craft digital experiences through the written word.

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A bit about me:

Like most writers in the tech space, I somehow stumbled into this field only after honing my craft of writing. Pairing it with my desire to share knowledge and shape digital experiences, I found content strategy and technical writing to be a unique path that fits my strongest skills.

Recently, I have been building documentation solutions for JupiterOne and Swell—playing a lead role in designing, authoring, strategizing, and implementing major content milestones like the releases of our new (beautiful) documentation sites and informing UX copy within the product.

Brands I’ve worked with:

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Recent work

Other fun stuff

doghead press | collier | Substack

My process

The way I work is just as important as the work I produce. As the ancient adage goes:

Trust the process.’ 🧙‍♂️

I. Forecast 🔮

Scoping each project lays a solid foundation for understanding the audience, the topic, and, most importantly, the deliverables. The details here shape my information-gathering strategy and timeline.

II. Research 🔍

Dig deep and uncover the needed information or desired outcome. This is the part where collaboration comes into the mix—leveraging the team and asking questions on behalf of the user—advocating for users and addressing their needs.

III. Execute 📝

This is where the magic happens. Having collected the needed information, I can now distill it into beautiful, fresh new solutions.

IV. Repeat 🔂

Continue iterating on products and adding to knowledge bases as the product matures—taking into account key metrics and user feedback.