<aside> 🔍 The "Multisig tool" on Coinvise is a way for creators to collaborate with trust with other creators worldwide. It allows creators to create a token through a Multisig wallet and manage it together.


A Multi-Signature Wallet such as Gnosis Safe is a Crypto Wallet that allows you to manage your community crypto assets, with the option to require a predefined number of signatures to confirm transactions. As it is necessary to have multiple team members to ensure every transaction in order to execute it, it prevents unauthorized access to the fund in this wallet.

With a multi-signature wallet, no one can leave with all the money as it would require the authorization of all the other members.

With this feature, a whole new world is opening for Coinvise's creators that will leverage our tools to build ambitious projects with team members worldwide. With this feature, every Coinvise member can create a VestingAirdropQuest, and Token via a multi-signature wallet.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/57c01de8-47bd-45cc-b549-d103988953d0/creator_economy.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/57c01de8-47bd-45cc-b549-d103988953d0/creator_economy.png" width="40px" /> Section 1 - How to connect a Multi-signature Wallet (Gnosis Safe) to Coinvise


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/62592ec3-81e8-4bed-b103-ab01712fe100/creator_economy_copie.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/62592ec3-81e8-4bed-b103-ab01712fe100/creator_economy_copie.png" width="40px" /> Section 2 - Why would I want to create a token through a Multi-signature Wallet?


1 - How to connect a Multi-signature Wallet (Gnosis Safe) to Coinvise

<aside> ⚠️ Note: Before starting this tutorial on how to connect a multi-signature wallet on Coinvise, make sure to have a Crypto Wallet and a multi-signature Wallet set up first.


<aside> 👇 Step 1 - Go on Coinvise.co and click the Sign in button. Select then your favorite option to sign in. We’ll go with MetaMask in this tutorial.



<aside> 👇 Step 2 - Click on the Connect button from the pop-up.

