A three-weeks training program for intrapreneurs (in spe).

Simulate the creation of an innovative business model based ona real world example. Apply the most important Design Thinkingand Lean Startup methods within a safe training playground. Reflect the implications of such ‘agile’ innovation work for you own change. Transfer what you’ve learned to your own practice.

Impression of a team validating its business model

Impression of a team validating its business model

What it is

The »Lean Innovation Crash Course« is a three week (twelve to fifteen days) learning experience on customer-centric and experiment-driven business model innovation.

Participants will learn to develop a product or service innovation with the help of customer discovery and how to create and validate a business model around it (‘Business R&D’).

Besides learning the most important theories and practical methods from design thinking and Lean Startup, participants will also reflect what this kind of ‘agile’ working means for their innovation practice. Eventually they will also learn about state-of-the-art innovation management and how to create the right environment (org culture, structure and processes) to make human-centric and business model innovation thrive.

For whom it is

Organizations who want to develop their own intrapreneurs and digital champions.

Why it is needed

The innovation practice in most organisation as we encounter them is still very "waterfallish". Furthermore people struggle to connect the dots between the different agile innovation approaches. Knowledge about the latter often resides with just a few 'innovation champions' who are overwhelmed by the demand of training and information-seeking from the rest of the organisation as they are busy with pushing their own projects through. They also have little didactic skills and have a hard time brining across what they actually do. We have both, experience from design/innovation practice as well as deep expertise in project-based teaching and learning design.

Why our customers love it

The safe training environment takes out pressure and makes learning a playful, thus more reflective and sustainable, experience. This makes it easier to apply the concepts in first own projects (see: Innovation Project Coaching ) during or after the course.

The program has a fixed core curriculum but it can be complemented with flexible add-in modules, depending on your organization’s needs and the (innovation) maturity of the teams who will join the crash course.

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Lean Innovation Crash Course: Info Material